Self-help is often glib, politically obtuse, and intellectually dishonest. Why, then, are philosophers writing it?
Sara Ahmed and the joys of killjoy feminism
New Philosophy of AI journal
A special issue exploring ‘the political salience of emotions in times of large-scale social change, emphasizing the role of personal narratives in understanding and framing these transformations’ Link
Michel Serres’s Sensorial Philosophy and the Importance of Skin in Francis Bacon’s Nudes
“There is no knowing how long it takes to have something to show for efforts in writing, where over a weekend in the garage I can make a desk to write at for the rest of my life” Link
Precluding Critical Pedagogy: Ethical Democracy and the Tyranny of Functional Metrics, Visible Learning, and Data Surveillance
Reframing the public/private debate on healthcare services: Tracking boundaries in the National Health Service
Levinas on Empathy, Desire, and the Caress
How Does Embodiment Enable the Acquisition of Tacit Knowledge in Organizations? From Polanyi to Merleau-Ponty
What Is Public Trust in the Health System? Insights into Health Data Use
“Habermas is a blockhead. It is simply impossible to tell what kind of damage he is still going to cause in the future.” So wrote Karl Popper in 1969
“There are more penises than English women in the Bayeux Tapestry” Link
Without School: Education as Common(ing) Activities in Local Social Infrastructures – An Escape from Extinction Ethics
Intra-professional collaboration and organization of work among teachers: How entangled institutional logics shape connectivity